PE Help
PPA – time set aside for teachers to carry out planning, preparation and assessment activities – is vital.
But like many ideas that are great in practice, the real-world outcomes can produce a number of problems.
In an era of budget cuts and ever-increasing demands on pupil performance from governors, parents and local governing bodies, schools often struggle to find cost-effective, high-quality PE cover.
Go Geronimo understands the vexed question of PE cover and has developed an inclusive approach that engages all of your pupils in high quality learning and PE lessons.
Our Sports and Physical Activity Educators possess the skills and qualifications to manage full classes of children, meeting the needs of all learners and coping with challenging behaviour.
This means you and your senior management team can be secure in the knowledge that you’ll be provided with a high quality, reliable, education-focused service that improves your pupils’ skills and confidence, while consistently following best practice guidance on the effective use of agencies in PE and school sport.
Our PE specialists and qualified teachers will support your schools curriculum PE. PE lessons are planned using an outstanding scheme of work where all success criteria are set against age related expectations.
All PE specialists will use carefully defined learning objectives, which will be creative, engaging and challenge the learning of each pupil.
Our qualified team have a strong understanding of ‘outstanding’ physical education; with experience working with EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Our high standards are maintained through regular lessons observations based upon Ofsted criteria.